Blog posts, news articles, and other resources from The Center • A Place of HOPE
When we think of people with eating disorders, we tend to imagine frail, thin young women who severely restrict calories or binge and purge. This image is based on a cultural stereotype of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, two of the most well-known eating disorders. But not only is this...
This article explains the relationship between traumatic experiences and eating disorders, including binge eating, anorexia, and bulimia. Social media body image pressures can exacerbate eating disorders, and the process by which this takes place is described, alongside ways to tackle these issues for anyone suffering from difficult eating behaviors and...
We’ve all been there: you’ve just eaten dinner, and you’re getting ready to sit down to watch television. Although you just ate, you suddenly feel hungry again. You eat more, but it seems like no matter how much you eat, you aren’t satisfied. You keep eating, but you are never...
Eating disorders are a common illness that affects over 9% of the world population. [1] Eating disorders can be debilitating and even fatal if left untreated, and symptoms range from severely limiting food intake to not being able to control how much you’re eating. As painful as it is to...
Substance use disorder and eating disorders are both serious illnesses that can lead to dangerous health consequences. They’re often talked about together because they tend to appear together; people with substance use disorder are much more likely to also have an eating disorder than the general population. On top of...
Have you ever watched a toddler eat? Often, they will stop eating before they finish their plate, no matter how much they enjoy the food. And they probably don’t separate foods into “fattening” and “acceptable” foods. They eat what they enjoy, which might include rice, broccoli, and cookies. The proponents...
Have you ever felt you’re still hungry, no matter what you eat? If you have, you know how frustrating that can be, especially when you don’t understand why. Anything from lifestyle, dietary health, or physical health could be at play, so it’s good to learn what signs to look for...
Bulimia is one of the top 5 eating disorders, and while some of the effects of this disease are apparent, there are still many that lay dormant under the surface. When you think of bulimia, you conjure images of bingeing and purging, but these are just out-lying symptoms. In addition,...
We’ve all been there: You aren’t hungry, but you find yourself reaching into the fridge for a snack. Or you open a big bag of potato chips to munch on during a movie, only to find that you’ve absent-mindedly finished off the whole bag before you’re halfway in. For most...
Bingeing and purging are behaviors associated with certain eating disorders. What causes people to binge or purge is complex, but it's usually due to a negative body image and a strong desire to lose weight. Bingeing and purging need to be taken seriously — they are both behaviors that can...
Anorexia and bulimia are both serious and dangerous health conditions that cause people to lose weight. Although anorexia and bulimia are unique conditions with their own set of symptoms, they may have more in common than you might guess. One of the main things they have in common is they...
We all know it’s good to eat healthily. But can healthy eating go too far? Orthorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder that most people have never heard of. Experts say orthorexia causes people to become obsessed with healthy eating to the point where it becomes damaging to their health and...
Eating disorders wreak havoc on people’s lives. Not only does the person with the eating disorder suffer, but the experience is painful for their family and friends as well. It can be hard to know what to do to support your loved one with an eating disorder. Eating disorders are...
Life with binge eating disorder is painful and frustrating. You frequently find yourself eating until you feel sick. You feel a huge sense of relief while you’re eating, but when it’s all over, you look around and feel completely ashamed of yourself. “What’s wrong with me?” you might wonder. “Why...
Were you a picky eater as a child? Many people, especially children, have food preferences. For example, maybe you never got over your hatred for broccoli. However, ARFID, or avoidant restrictive food intake disorder, is when picky eating becomes severe and harmful. People who have ARFID don’t eat enough, to...
Everyone overeats sometimes. But for some people, this pattern of overeating becomes chronic and severe. A binge eating disorder is a lot more serious than having a little too much ice cream in the middle of the night 一 it’s a dangerous mental health condition (specifically an eating disorder) that...
Your body is paying a heavy price for an eating disorder. If you are bulimic and use laxatives or vomiting to purge, your skin is probably quite dry and frequently breaks out in small rashes and pimples. If your salivary glands haven’t yet become enlarged because of your constant vomiting,...
Everything you have tried up to this point has not worked when it comes to losing weight permanently. Diets have not worked, powders have not worked, diet pills have not worked, and obsessively exercising has not worked. Every method of weight loss has been flawed. Each has promised you something...
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The whole person approach to treatment integrates all aspects of a person’s life: